Minischools update

Welcome back! We’ve had a joyful return to school after the holidays. We began our week by gathering around the big table, sharing stories of what we did when we were not together. We spent most of Monday sharing news, asking each other questions and generally just enjoying being back together.  Our days together are […]

School Section

Minischools The Minischools began the week with Elizabeth with a special welcome time.  We exchanged projects that we had worked on when we weren’t together, and shared news. You may have noticed the Minischool’s Kindness Calendar! It was prepared in several steps.  First each child made a special drawing on an envelope.  A new envelope […]

School Section, Week 9

On Tuesday, we welcomed Charlotte’s mum, who shared stories about celebrating Halloween, and proposed a mask atelier for the children of School and Minischool.  Thank you!  Minischools We had a great week together, reconnecting, sharing stories, and re-establishing rituals and routines.  We made some changes in the space, too, reflecting new interests and pursuits.   […]

School Section week 8

Mini School School Cette semaine, les enfants ont continué à apporter spontanément des objets et des livres de la maison pour présenter à leurs camarades. Nous apprenons aussi à remercier la personne qui présente avant de passer à la prochaine présentation. Nous nous interrogeons aussi sur le nombre de questions que nous pouvons poser […]

Minischool journal, week 6

Happy birthday, Matilda! This week, there has been lots of kitchen done in the kitchen, and at the sensory table, with the magic sand. We brought in a flashlight, to add wonder and another dimension to our building projects.  There was lots of drawing, cutting, and gluing.  We did self portraits, asking the questions how […]

Minischool update – Weeks 4 and 5

Happy birthday, Luna! We always encounter interesting things on our walks outside that lead to curiosity and questions… The making table is always full of things to draw, cut, design and make… It’s also an opportunity to create alongside friends, sharing ideas and strategies, and lending or receiving help as needed. We had a multimedia […]

School Section, Week 2

Cette semaine, nous avons continué à faire connaissance par le jeu et les discussions. Nous venons tous à l’écoline mais d’où arrivons-nous? Nous avons commencé un dessin collectif qui nous représente ainsi que nos maisons et la route vers l’écoline. “Je mets mon dessin loin parce que j’habite à la campagne. ” “Moi, je colle […]

School + MiniSchool Week 1

MINISCHOOLS Welcome to the Minischool section! We have had a lovely first week together, and we are so lucky to have such a great group. We’ve spent the first days taking it slow, giving each child the time and space to feel comfortable and secure in the space and with each other. We’ve already encountered our […]