Journal scolaire, 10-14 juin

What a week! We were all very excited by Maia’s book on the Olympics and decided to dig in deep on the topic. We learned that many of the children already participate, or are interested in a wide variety of sports. Other interests, such as Capoeira or crafting, aren’t included in the official Olympics, but […]

Journal scolaire 27 mai - 31 mai

This week, there was a lot of excitement in the school section as we welcomed three educator students from Quebec, who have come to observe and experience our Reggio-inspired school. Welcome to Alice, Annabelle and Laurianne! In the Studio, we have been exploring the artist Saunia Delaunay – after an introduction with the book, we […]

Journal scolaire 13-17 mai

This week, we had a visit from the Preschool children, who came to share their butterfly explorations. On Tuesday, the children went to the lake and constructed cabanes with Valentina. We returned the following Thursday, to check on the cabanes, a bit unsure of what we would find, after there had been lots of rain […]

Journal scolaire 22-26 avril

We were thrilled this week to welcome back Bruno! We also followed up with our great parents breakfast last week, with lots of parental participation via stories and projects this week. Bruno’s Dad came in to read a story. The German-speakers were particularly appreciative of his choice 🙂 Amaya’s Dad, who has been leading a […]

Célébration de la Journée du livre avec le groupe scolaire, 7 mars 2024

Keep reading, it’s one of the most marvelous adventues that anyone can have. Lloyd Alexander For several years, l’écoline has participated in the annual World Book Day, a day to promote books and encourage children to discover the joy of reading. We love sharing books and stories together, and it is such a joy to […]

Journal scolaire, semaine du 19 au 23 février

Nous avons commencé la semaine ensemble par un moment collectif de dessin, d'écriture et de narration pour raconter comment nous avions passé le temps lorsque nous n'étions pas ensemble. Nous organisons régulièrement des moments comme celui-ci après les clubs de vacances, afin de nous rappeler les événements passés et de structurer la manière dont ces événements sont reconstruits et partagés avec d'autres. [...]

Journal scolaire 22-26 janvier

Exploring Eric Carle We often read books by Eric Carle. We did a virtual tour of his workshop, and learned about his special painting and collage technique. We are working on combining all of our collages into a collective book. Some souvenirs from School 2’s Forest Day with Valentina. Each time they spend an extended […]